You are leading an interprofessional team in a small rural community health clinic to promote the purchase of a new data management

You are leading an interprofessional team in a small rural community health clinic to promote the purchase of a new data management system to address the new payment reform and pay-for-performance mandates. The team understands the need for accurate and reliable data that effectively supports these new mandates, and the National Quality Strategy (NQS) aims to promote affordable and quality care for healthy people, communities, and populations. To support this initiative, you are leading the interprofessional team in the selection of a vendor to facilitate the Enterprise Data Management, Reporting, and Analytics Program (E-DRAP) for this small community clinic.  

***Discuss why accurate and reliable data is essential for patient safety and healthcare outcomes, and include the influence of human factors and the risks for unintended consequences. 

Must be at least 250 words and supported by 2 scholarly sources.

Writing Requirements and APA Style/Formatting

· In-text citations

· Reference list in correct APA style/formatting

· Standard English usage and mechanics

· Scholarly sources that are evidence-based, peer-reviewed, and published in the last five (5) years

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