Caring for Chinese, Filipino, & Vietnamese PopulationsAfter studying 

Caring for Chinese, Filipino, & Vietnamese Populations

After studying 

Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources
, discuss the following:

A. Describe health and illness practices that may augment problems associated with the treatment of hypertension for Chinese-American clients. 

B. Describe the locus-of-control variable that some Filipino Americans have that may influence health-seeking behavior.

C. Describe the importance of folk medicine and folk healers to Vietnamese Americans. 


Submission Instructions:

· Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  Your initial post is worth 8 points.

· Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles should be referenced according to the current APA style (the online library has an abbreviated version of the APA Manual).

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