Regression Data: Output and Write-up InstructionsOverviewWriting a results section is the foundation

Regression Data: Output and Write-up Instructions


Writing a results section is the foundation of a peer-reviewed research journal article. By doing so, you are creating the building block for discovering new knowledge.


Provide a results section of a multiple regression analysis using Hayes Process Macro written in the current APA format

• Include all relevant tables and figures

• Attach your SPSS output to the assignment as well

• Be sure to include a title page and a reference page

You will find examples of Hayes Process writeups in various research articles.

** Refer to Model 4 Write-up Document for more information on this assignment. Also, find writeups of Hayes in the following articles**

Volk, F., Floyd, C. G., Bohannon, K. E., Cole, S. M., McNichol, K. M., Schott, E. A., Williams, Z. D. R. (2019) The Moderating Role of the tendency to blame others in the development of perceived addiction, shame, and depression in pornography users.
Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity,
26(3-4), 239-261.

Volk, F., Thomas, J., Sosin, L., Jacob, V., & Moen, C. (2016). Religiosity, developmental context, and sexual shame in pornography users: A Serial mediation model.
Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity,
23(2-3), 244–259.

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