See attached documentCase Study for Week 6 DiscussionPatient 1:Malcolm is a 9-year-old male in the 4th grade at the public elementary

See attached document

Case Study for Week 6 Discussion

Patient 1:

Malcolm is a 9-year-old male in the 4th grade at the public elementary school. Malcolm

has recently been diagnosed with ADHD, combined presentation. Malcolm struggles

with being fidgety and hyperactive; he often gets into trouble at school for blurting out

answers, getting out of his desk when he should not be, and hitting other children when

upset. Malcolm also has a hard time focusing on anything other than video games at

home. His parents report homework takes “all night” though it should only take 30

minutes. Malcolm has assigned chores but often gets distracted. For example, Malcolm

was to take out the trash but got distracted in the driveway while taking out the trash

and left the full bag in the driveway. He often misplaces the combination code for the

lock on the house door.

Pro Methylphenidate medication assigned to me for this case so you should only focused on the PRO options please

This week, you will present and defend your assigned stance (pro or con) and specific medication for your patient case study scenario with your peers. Within the debate, you will also share your perspective on why the alternative medication class would not be appropriate for the patient case scenario. 

Post your response detailing your argument for the following:

· What is the proposed mechanism of action of the medication(s)? Why might this be appropriate for the patients?

· What are the advantages or disadvantages to your class of medication (options for different administration, length of duration, etc.)?

· What are the advantages or disadvantages to the other medication options?

· What possible side effects or considerations need to be evaluated?

· Provide 
one example for each consideration—legal, ethical, and social implications—for prescribing the medication category.

Note: Your response needs to be supported by three 3 scholarly peer-reviewed resources located outside of your course learning resources.

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