All information attached below Remember a rhetorical analysis, analyzes a writer’s choices, stylistic devices, and organization, while focusing on

All information attached below 

Remember a rhetorical analysis, analyzes a writer’s choices, stylistic devices, and organization, while focusing on how the writer was able to convey a central purpose. Your job as a writer is to understand how the choices the writer makes determine how the audience understands the writer’s purpose.

Your essay should be in 3rd person POV, contain a
minimum of 850 words, and focus on the writer, John Green’s style and purpose. Please use MLA format. Include a Works Cited page and use in-text citation.


Did you begin with a formal introduction that includes a clear and concise thesis statement, and introduces the author and what you are analyzing?

Did you discuss Green’s central purpose?

Did you mention and cite specific examples of techniques Green used to get his purpose across to his audience?

Did you discuss Green’s tone, word choice, and style?

Did you, organize your essay logically and into strong paragraphs?

Is your essay at least 3-4 pages long or at least 850 words?

Is your essay in 3rd person P.O.V only?

Did you proofread for grammar and syntax mistakes and fix any errors?

Did you use MLA format (Included an MLA heading, used in-text citations, added a Works Cited page, and used proper MLA paper formatting?


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