RESEARCH PAPER: TYPES OF BUDGETS ASSIGNMENTOVERVIEW: The public budgets match expenditures of


The public budgets match expenditures of assets and services with receipts of public money,
such as taxes and fees. If a budget does not balance, services need to be cut, taxes need to be
raised, or money needs to be borrowed. Different budgeting formats allow for the review of
revenues and expenditures.


NOTE: This assignment requires description and analysis. While descriptions certainly are the precursor to analyses, they are not analyses.

Please, analyze:

· The Impact of the following three types of budgets:

1-Impact of Line-Item Budgeting on the budgetary process. How does it work and
what is its impact (advantages/disadvantages)?

2-Impact of Program Budgeting on the budgetary process. How does it work and
what is its impact (advantages/disadvantages)?

3-Impact of Performance Budgeting on the budgetary process. How does it work
and what is its impact (advantages/disadvantages)?

· The impact of two political, economic, and social constraints on the budgetary process.

· You must include citations to a sufficient number of appropriate professionals, scholarly, or other appropriate sources to fully support your assertions and conclusions. (must include a minimum of 6 sources, not including
the course textbooks, assigned readings, and the Bible…

· 11-13-pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices). This paper must be in current APA format with 1-inch margins and 12-pt Times
New Roman font. You must also include a title page and reference page.

· Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Additional notes:


Keep in mind that the budget is a noun, a financial plan. Budgeting is a verb; it is a process.
Your analysis should address the impact (effect) on the process, not the impact on the plan
Use the bolded statements as headings in your paper.
I. Executive Summary (Limit to a page or less). It is not an introduction; it is a summary
of the findings. Write this section last.
An Executive Summary should:
Summarize the impact of Line-Item Budgets, Program Budgets, and Performance
Budgets on the budgetary process.
Summarize the impact of the two selected constraints on the budgetary process.

II. Impacts of the Three Types of Budgets on the Budgetary Process
Impact of Line-Item Budgets on the Budgetary Process. Describe the
impact(advantages/disadvantages) line-item budgeting has on the budgeting process.
Impact of Program Budgets on the Budgetary Process. Describe the impact
(advantages/disadvantages) program budgeting has on the budgeting process.
Impact of Performance Budgets on the Budgetary Process. Describe the impact
(advantages/disadvantages) performance budgeting has on the budgeting process.

III. Impact of Two Political and/or Economic Constraints on the Budgetary Process trade barriers. If analyzing economic constraints, select one and analyze its impact on the
budgetary process.
Political constraints include tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs,
technology, and disruptive innovations. If analyzing political constraints, select one and
analyze its impact on the budgetary process.
Use a heading for each of the two specific constraints you selected. For example:
Impact of Monetary Policy on the Budgetary Process.
Each constraint impacts the budgetary process based on its intent, goals, objectives, etc. They
cannot be treated as a single entity for analytical purposes.
Using the outline is designed to clarify the assignment by breaking it into parts so it can be
dealt with systematically. It will assure that the assignment specifications are met and will
improve the quality of your report.


Rubin, I. S. (2015). 
Public Budgeting: Policy, Process and Politics. Routledge (Chapter 1-2)

Mikesell, J. L. (2022). 
Fiscal Administration (10th ed.). Cengage (Chapter 1-2)

The Holy Bible. (2017). King James Bible Online. 

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