GCU Language Disabilities & Assistive Technology Lesson Plan Paper


Goal Writing

Write a measureable IEP goal for Gabriella that includes the use of augmentative and alternative communication systems, and assistive technology in the classroom to facilitate communication with peers and aid in comprehension of content.

Mini Units

Utilizing the COE Lesson Plan Template, compose a mini-unit of three formal ELA lesson plans that build upon the following:

Current Instruction and Content in the Fourth Grade Classroom:

  • Currently, students are reading about the Underground Railroad.
  • Current instruction must be aligned to Common Core Standards:CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.1-RI.4.6
  • Completed lesson activity and learning target includes students working individually to complete a graphic organizer to identify the setting, main idea, and key details.
  • For each lesson plan, differentiate activities for Gabriella that address Gabriella’s measureable IEP goal and include assistive technologies. In addition, for each lesson plan, create a pre- and post-assessment, using a low or high tech based accommodation, to evaluate whether Gabriella’s measurable IEP goal are met.


Provide a 250-500-word rationale that supports your instructional choices for Gabriella’s IEP goal, the differentiated activities in the mini-unit, and the alignment between the two. Support your rationale with 2-3 scholarly resources on best practices regarding semantics disorders and the use of assistive technology.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Read the case study to inform the assignment.

Case Study: Gabriella is 9 years old and she is in the 4th grade

Gabriella is a fourth grade student with a language disorder and mild intellectual delays. She is nine years old and spends a large portion of her day in self-contained settings. She receives speech and language services from a speech pathologist for a minimum of 40 minutes three days a week. The rest of the time, her language needs are supported by the special education teacher. She does attend a general education fourth grade classroom daily for 90 minutes for language arts instruction. An instructional assistant accompanies Gabriella to class. Gabriella’s oral expression skills are in the low to average range. She struggles with figurative speech, sarcasm, and multiple meanings of words. Her speech is literal and she usually has poor decoding and reading comprehension skills. Her reading level is at a low first grade level, reading simple stories with a Lexile level of 300-450. Her favorite books are the Frog and Toadbooks by Arnold Lobel. She is writing simple sentences with a subject and a predicate, but relies on picture cues and rewriting strategies to plan her sentences.

Gabriella attends the fourth grade Language Arts class for exposure to more appropriate grade level content. She requires frequent breaks and one-on-one support from an assistant when participating in the general education setting. The special education teacher and assistant work with the general education teacher to modify the assignments in class.

Gabriella is exempt from the district course assessment at this time, and her grade is based on participation, reduced and modified assignments, and an alternative individual project instead of a final exam. When working in groups, Gabriella will participate by making choices, with visual cues prompted by the assistant. Gabriella has been integrated into language arts instruction since the second grade. Students enjoy having her in class and are helpful. She also attends art, music, PE, recess, and lunch with the same fourth grade class.

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The following is a response to an assignment designed to create an IEP goal and a mini-unit of three formal ELA lesson plans for a fourth-grade student named Gabriella who has a language disorder and mild intellectual delays. The goal is to facilitate communication with peers and aid in comprehension of content through the use of augmentative and alternative communication systems (AAC) and assistive technology.

Answer to Goal Writing:

Gabriella’s measurable IEP goal is to increase her ability to communicate with her peers using AAC, and to improve her comprehension of content by utilizing assistive technology. The goal is measurable because the use of AAC and assistive technology can be quantified and evaluated through assessments.

Answer to Mini Units:

The three formal ELA lesson plans aim to build upon current instruction and content in the fourth-grade classroom, which focuses on the Underground Railroad. To meet Gabriella’s IEP goal, each lesson incorporates differentiation activities that address her needs and include assistive technologies. Pre- and post-assessments are also included to determine whether the goal is met.

Answer to Rationale:

Gabriella requires differentiated instruction to address her semantic disorder and limited comprehension skills. AAC and assistive technology can help her communicate and understand content more effectively. By utilizing visual aids and graphic organizers within the ELA lessons, Gabriella can comprehend and participate in grade-level instruction. Incorporating AAC means Gabriella can express herself and communicate with peers more effectively. Best practices in the use of assistive technology and semantic disorders support the need for AAS and the utilization of visual aids.

In conclusion, designing specific goals and objectives, mini-units with differentiated materials and pedagogical approaches, and utilizing AAC and assistive technology will facilitate Gabriella’s language acquisition and integration in school communities, and improve her overall learning outcomes.

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