Capella University Collaboration Health Care Paper

Hey Robert, I am attaching the scoring guide at the bottom. I need to at least score in “basic” I cannot have anything scored in “non-perfomance” please.

Explain the concept of true collaboration in health care and describe the benefits of effective interdisciplinary collaboration. Then, describe the characteristics required for effective collaboration, describe barriers to collaboration, and offer evidence-based strategies to overcome those barriers.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Explain the principles and practices of highly effective interdisciplinary collaboration.

  • Explain the concept of collaboration in health care.

Describe the characteristics and concepts required for effective interdisciplinary collaboration.

Describe barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration.

Identify evidence-based strategies to overcome barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration.

  • Competency 3: Explain the internal and external factors that can affect the health of individuals, families, communities, and populations.

Describe the benefits of effective collaboration and teamwork in health care for patients, organizations, and team members.

  • Context
  • Every day, in every patient setting, health care professionals must interact with other health care professionals, as well as with providers from other professions to share information, conduct safety and quality checks, and work with patients in a variety of ways to make sure they understand their health care needs and will be more likely to comply with treatment plans.Research consistently shows that interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork improves the quality and safety of patient care by recognizing the skills and experience of each team member, allowing the team to function more effectively and efficiently.
  • Questions to Consider
    To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.
  • Are interdisciplinary teams commonly used where you work?
  • If so, in which areas are they more likely to be implemented?

If not, in which areas would such a team be most effective?

  • How can nurses encourage more interdisciplinary teams within their organizations?
  • Resources
    Suggested Resources
    Internet Resources
    Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

It Takes a Team | Transcript.

Assessment Instructions
You are part of an interdisciplinary team that has been highly effective. Your supervisor asks you to write a short article about why the team has been so successful and submit it to the organizational newsletter for publication.Preparation
Search the Capella library and the Internet for peer-reviewed journal articles on collaboration and teamwork in health care. You will need at least 3 articles to support your work on this assessment.Directions
In the article you write for this assessment, be sure you do the following:

Explain the concept of true collaboration in health care.

  • Describe the benefits of effective collaboration and teamwork in health care for the following groups:
  • Patients.


Team members.

Describe the characteristics and concepts required for effective interdisciplinary collaboration.

  • Describe barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration.

Identify evidence-based strategies to overcome barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration.

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Introduction: True collaboration in healthcare is a crucial aspect of providing high-quality patient care. It involves professionals from different healthcare disciplines coming together to work as a cohesive team, sharing information, expertise, and decision-making in order to provide the best possible outcomes for patients. Effective interdisciplinary collaboration has numerous benefits, such as improved patient outcomes, enhanced teamwork and communication, and increased job satisfaction for team members. However, there are also challenges and barriers that can hinder collaboration. In this assignment, we will explore the concept of true collaboration, discuss its benefits for patients, organizations, and team members, identify the characteristics and concepts required for effective collaboration, examine barriers to collaboration, and propose evidence-based strategies to overcome those barriers.


True collaboration in healthcare refers to professionals from diverse disciplines working together as a team to provide comprehensive patient care. It involves the active participation and engagement of every team member, respecting each other’s expertise and contributions. In this collaborative environment, teamwork and effective communication are central to achieving the common goal of improving patient outcomes.

Effective collaboration and teamwork in healthcare offer numerous benefits for various groups. For patients, it ensures that they receive holistic care that addresses all their needs, leading to improved health outcomes, enhanced patient satisfaction, and increased compliance with treatment plans. Collaboration also benefits organizations by promoting efficiency, reducing errors, and improving overall quality of care. It creates a positive work environment and fosters professional growth and development for team members, leading to increased job satisfaction and better retention rates.

In order to achieve effective interdisciplinary collaboration, certain characteristics and concepts are essential. Trust and mutual respect among team members are crucial for open and effective communication. Collaboration requires active listening, empathy, and a willingness to consider other perspectives. Effective interdisciplinary collaboration also demands shared decision-making, where each team member’s opinions and expertise are valued and integrated into the care plan. Lastly, effective collaboration relies on clear roles and responsibilities, ensuring that every team member understands their contribution and how it aligns with the team’s objectives.

However, there are barriers that can impede collaboration in healthcare. One significant barrier is a lack of effective communication, which can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and decreased trust among team members. Additionally, differences in professional cultures, hierarchies, and power dynamics can hinder collaboration. Limited resources, such as time and staffing, can also act as barriers by limiting opportunities for team members to work together. Lastly, resistance to change and a lack of commitment to collaborative practices can impede the development of effective interdisciplinary teams.

To overcome these barriers and promote effective interdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based strategies can be implemented. Promoting open and transparent communication channels, such as regular team meetings and huddles, can improve information sharing and enhance teamwork. Additionally, providing educational opportunities and training on collaboration and teamwork can enhance team members’ understanding and skills in this area. Creating a culture of collaboration, where collaboration is valued and rewarded, can help overcome resistance to change. Finally, organizations can allocate appropriate resources and support interdisciplinary collaboration through policies and protocols that facilitate teamwork.

In conclusion, true collaboration in healthcare is crucial for providing high-quality patient care. Effective collaboration offers benefits for patients, organizations, and team members by improving patient outcomes, promoting efficiency, and enhancing job satisfaction. Collaboration requires specific characteristics and concepts, such as trust, open communication, shared decision-making, and clear roles. However, barriers to collaboration exist, such as poor communication, differences in professional cultures, limited resources, and resistance to change. By implementing evidence-based strategies, such as promoting open communication, providing education and training, fostering a culture of collaboration, and allocating resources, these barriers can be overcome, leading to effective interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare.

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