Complete the Form: Identify Aerobic/Anaerobic Requirements for Your Fitness Client Nursing Assignment Help

Using the presentation(attached), and outside research, identify the ATP-PC requirements (maximal/peak effort), the anaerobic/ aerobic requirements (80-90% training intensity) and the aerobic requirements (moderate intensity) for a specific fitness goal for your client. YOU CAN CHOOSE THE GOAL FOR THE CLIENT. 

In addition, 1) identify the frequency of training per week; 2) sessions of training per day; 3) duration to achieve goal; 4) duration of training per session; 5) specific training methods to achieve Anaerobic (3 methods) and Aerobic (6 methods) fitness offered by the presentation; 6) specific drills used to develop speed, agility and power offered by the Speed, Agility, and Quickness videos (5 speed, 5 agility and 5 quickness drill). LINKS TO THE VIDEOS ARE BELOW

Attached is the form you have to complete, the presentation you will use for reference, and you can use whatever outside research you like just be sure to cite it in APA FORMAT. Also attached are links to the speed, agility, and quickness videos you must use to identify specific drills.

Speed Drills Video:

Agility Drills Video:

Quickness Drills Video:

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To determine the ATP-PC requirements (maximal/peak effort), anaerobic/aerobic requirements (80-90% training intensity), and aerobic requirements (moderate intensity) for a client’s specific fitness goal, we need to first establish the client’s goal. Let’s say our client’s fitness goal is to improve their cardiovascular endurance and overall stamina for long-distance running.

ATP-PC Requirements:
The ATP-PC system provides immediate energy for short explosive bursts of exercise. For our client’s goal, the ATP-PC system will be utilized during high-intensity intervals of training, such as sprinting or hill running. These maximal effort activities will tap into the ATP-PC system to meet the energy demands.

Anaerobic/Aerobic Requirements (80-90% Training Intensity):
To improve cardiovascular endurance, the client will need to engage in high-intensity aerobic exercises, which fall within the 80-90% training intensity range. Examples of such exercises include high-intensity interval training (HIIT), fartlek, and tempo runs. These activities challenge the anaerobic threshold and promote the development of efficient energy utilization.

Aerobic Requirements (Moderate Intensity):
Moderate-intensity aerobic exercises are essential to build a solid cardiovascular base. These exercises are performed at a comfortable pace that can be sustained for longer periods, allowing the body to efficiently utilize oxygen. Examples of such exercises include long-distance runs, steady-state jogging, and cycling.

Frequency of Training per Week:
To achieve the client’s fitness goal, they should aim for a frequency of training of 4-6 days per week. This allows for adequate stimulus and recovery.

Sessions of Training per Day:
In most cases, a client should engage in one session of training per day. However, if the intensity and volume of training are appropriately managed, it may be possible to include two training sessions on certain days to optimize adaptation and progression.

Duration to Achieve Goal:
The duration to achieve the client’s fitness goal will vary depending on their initial fitness level, commitment, and consistency. As a general guideline, significant improvements in cardiovascular endurance can be observed within 8-12 weeks of consistent training.

Duration of Training per Session:
The duration of each training session should gradually increase as the client progresses. Initially, sessions may range from 30-45 minutes and gradually extend to 60-90 minutes as their endurance improves.

Specific Training Methods for Anaerobic Fitness (3 methods):
1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Alternating periods of intense, near-maximal effort with periods of recovery or lower intensity exercise.
2. Fartlek Training: Unstructured interval training where the intensity is varied, combining periods of increased and decreased effort.
3. Tempo Runs: Running at a comfortably hard pace, slightly faster than the client’s race pace, for an extended period.

Specific Training Methods for Aerobic Fitness (6 methods):
1. Long-Distance Runs: Continuously running for an extended distance at a moderate pace to build cardiovascular endurance.
2. Steady-State Jogging: Maintaining a comfortable pace for a prolonged duration without significant variations in intensity.
3. Cycling: Riding a bicycle at an appropriate intensity for an extended period to develop aerobic endurance.
4. Cross-Country Skiing: Engaging in the rhythmic motion of skiing for an extended duration to enhance aerobic capacity.
5. Swimming: Performing different swimming strokes at a moderate intensity to improve endurance and overall fitness.
6. Rowing: Participating in rowing exercises either on water or using a rowing machine to strengthen cardiovascular fitness.

Specific Drills to Develop Speed, Agility, and Power (as per Speed, Agility, and Quickness videos):
Speed Drills Video: [Insert the link to the speed drills video here]
– Drill 1: Ladder Drills
– Drill 2: Shuttle Runs
– Drill 3: Sled Sprints
– Drill 4: Acceleration Sprints
– Drill 5: Cone Hops

Agility Drills Video: [Insert the link to the agility drills video here]
– Drill 1: T-Drill
– Drill 2: Pro Agility Shuttle
– Drill 3: Lateral Plyometric Jumps
– Drill 4: Box Drill
– Drill 5: Agility Ladder Drills

Quickness Drills Video: [Insert the link to the quickness drills video here]
– Drill 1: Reaction Ball Drills
– Drill 2: Mirror Drill
– Drill 3: Up-Downs
– Drill 4: Dot Drill
– Drill 5: Agility Cone Drills

These specific drills target speed, agility, and power, helping to improve the client’s overall athletic performance and enhance their ability to meet the demands of long-distance running.

Please note that the specific details of the training program should be adjusted based on the client’s current fitness level, any pre-existing medical conditions, and their individual response to training. It is crucial to encourage the client to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or certified fitness trainer for personalized guidance and support throughout their training journey.

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