4-1 Student Peer Workshop Discussion: Historical Society or Cultural Association  This is a group activity. For more information on groups, please

4-1 Student Peer Workshop Discussion: Historical Society or Cultural Association  This is a group activity. For more information on groups, please see About Group Work. Providing and receiving feedback often means exploring opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful toward your peers and instructor in your peer workshop post and […]

Andrew Jackson’s Presidency is surrounded with controversy.  From increased presidential authority and his battle with the national bank, to the push for a

Andrew Jackson’s Presidency is surrounded with controversy.  From increased presidential authority and his battle with the national bank, to the push for a limited government and the Indian Removal Act, his actions changed the trajectory of the United States. Was the Age of Jackson truly an age of democracy? We’re his actions and decisions better […]

Find a current (within the past 12 months) environmental news event online or in print (English language only). Download the BSC1050_CEER Table.rtf file a

Find a current (within the past 12 months) environmental news event online or in print (English language only). Download the BSC1050_CEER Table.rtf file and complete the attached table I encourage you to examine a wide range of media sources and find articles you are personally interested in (because that’s one of the questions you’ll answer) […]

3-1 Discussion: Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs (50 points) Biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs—called “life writing”—tell the stories of

3-1 Discussion: Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs (50 points) Biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs—called “life writing”—tell the stories of people’s experiences of the past. An autobiography or memoir is written by the person who experienced the events, while a biography is written by someone else. Most autobiographies, memoirs, and biographies start out as books. Many have been […]