MHA5016 Capella Univeristy Electronic Health Records System Presentation

Develop an 8–12 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by an audio recording of the presentation that is a maximum 15 minutes. The presentation will focus on an explanation of Meaningful Use Guidelines and how the current HIM system could be optimized to ensure compliance and improved outcomes. This assessment should be completed first. Meaningful Use Guidelines […]

MHA2012 Capella University Personal Leadership Analysis

Conduct a candid self-assessment of your health care leadership competencies and construct an 8–12 page comprehensive individual leadership development plan that can help you take your organization into the future. Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented. By successfully completing this assessment, […]

MHA5016 Capella University Electronic Health Records System Analysis

Develop an 8–12 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by an audio recording of the presentation that is a maximum 15 minutes. The presentation will focus on an explanation of Meaningful Use Guidelines and how the current HIM system could be optimized to ensure compliance and improved outcomes. This assessment should be completed first. Meaningful Use Guidelines […]

MHA5016 Capella University Electronic Health Records System Analysis

Develop an 8–12 slide PowerPoint presentation accompanied by an audio recording of the presentation that is a maximum 15 minutes. The presentation will focus on an explanation of Meaningful Use Guidelines and how the current HIM system could be optimized to ensure compliance and improved outcomes. This assessment should be completed first. Meaningful Use Guidelines […]

MHA5014 Capella University Mayo Clinic Balanced Scorecard Presentation

Create a 5–10 minute recorded presentation, detailing the results of the balanced scorecard analysis and making recommendations for quality improvement and risk reduction. Your presentation material should be 10–12 slides in length. Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in a sequence. Applying the […]

MHA5014 Capella University Risk Financing Of Epic EHR at Mayo Clinic Memo

Create a 2–3-page internal memo for a risk-management team. Summarize a risk financing issue for a selected organization in the memo. Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in a sequence. Financial risk-management helps reduce the financial impact of risk. It also determines the […]

NHS6008 Capella Implementation Plan for A New Economic Opportunity Paper

Create a detailed implementation plan for an economic initiative. As a master’s-level health care practitioner you may be expected to create budget and implementation plans to ensure that economic opportunities for the organization are rolled out successfully and can be sustained over multiple years. Additionally, it is important to be able to envision how an […]

Capella Healthcare Service Management & Quality Organizational Improvement Report

Create a 7-10 page report that will help the Director of Strategic Planning at a health care organization understand current trends related to service line management, leadership, patient experience, employee relations, and quality improvement. In the current health care environment, patient satisfaction is a key metric by which reimbursement is determined. When organizations and leadership […]

MHA5042 Capella University Coaching Session GROW Model Paper

Apply the steps of the GROW model in a coaching session with a person within your organization, or a friend, or a family member, on the topic of their choice. Write a paper of 6–8 pages analyzing the outcome of the coaching session as a demonstration of your leadership skills. Leaders in healthcare administration are […]