Otitis media

Assignment: Analysis of Current Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of OM This Assignment requires a current, evidence based practice guideline that is specific to the child in the following scenario. Once you find the appropriate guideline, you will be ready for analysis and evaluation. First, carefully review the case. Then, using the online […]

How has social media influenced the growth of domestic terrorism in

I. Social Media and Homegrown terrorism II. What role does Social Media Companies play in the spread of terrorism A. The fundamental design of social media. III. International Terrorism and social media/Included international terrorism so we can see how it play a significant role in the growth of domestic terrorism by its recruitment tactics within […]

Intro to Mass Comm: Media Diet Assignmnt

 Description Step 1: Identify at least four outlets that you follow. -Write a 2-3-page essay that takes a closer look at the media outlets you use. -(Twitter is not an outlet. ESPN, NPR, CBS, local TV stations or newspapers, E! News and Buzzfeed are all examples of media outlets) -Research the ownership of each outlet. […]

Health in the media

 1.A brief summary (2-4 sentences) of each news story. List the complete APA citation for each article before your summary, as well as the time and date stamp from ‘Discussion’ sign-up. 2. A discussion (500-700 words) of how the health issue is covered by the two media outlets. Your analysis of the two articles should […]

NUR 654: Review media to identify policy issues.

Early in the semester you will review media to identify policy issues. For example, you can watch a TedTalk, C-SPAN, PBS Frontline or listen to a podcast or National Public Radio with a public policy focus for an hour, or read three articles in print media such as New York Times, Wall Street Journal, magazines, […]

Research Project: Science Reported in Media vs. Science Reported in

NATS 1740B: ASTRONOMY  Goals of the Report − to demonstrate that you are able to research diverse scientific aspects of astronomy − to research material at a sufficient depth − to compare the quantity and quality of research as reported in popular media sources versus original scholarly research findings − to communicate your research in […]

social media strategy

 As part of the sales pitch you’ll be recommending a social media strategy for your brand. Your strategy should be clear and comprehensive, after reading it we should understand exactly what you’re recommending the brand does and how. It’s not enough to say we’re going to use “Facebook, Twitter and Instagram” we want to know […]

Mainstream media and HIV/AIDS

 Your analysis of the article should exhibit careful thought, logical reasoning and provide evidence for your answers. Each post should be at least two well-developed paragraph (approximately 4-6 sentences each minimum). Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Identify an article released by the mainstream media to the general public that discusses HIV/AIDS. Example of an […]

Ethics, media, and Criminal Justice

Week 4 – Assignment Ethics, Media, and Criminal Justice The media plays a major part in all facets of U.S. society. Increased attention on criminal justice issues and criminal justice administration by the media creates opportunities and threats to the status quo of criminal justice policies and actions. Chapters 11 and 16 in your text […]

Young Offender Media Article

Description Using a variety of media sources through the Internet, you are required to locate a contemporary media report that illustrates a contemporary Young Offender issue in Canadian society and complete a report. For the purposes of your report please take note of the following: Type of young offender issues (YCJA section) Offence (s) citation […]